Our Services
We provide routine gynecological care for women of all ages as well as specialized care in the following areas:
High-Risk Pregnancy includes but is not limited to:
Advanced Maternal Age (AMA)
Gestational Diabetes
Preeclampsia (PES)
History of pre-term labor
Multiple Gestation
Find out more about our Fertility Concepts Program by contacting our Triage Nurse Coordinator, Kim at 717-737-4511 ext. 148 .
Adolescent care
Menopausal care
And more
Novasure (endometrial ablation)
Minerva (endometrial ablation)
Traditional Laparoscopic Surgery
- We are proud to offer the Acessa Procedure for Fibroids
- Minimally invasive outpatient procedure that destroys fibroids with heat
- Alternative to hysterectomy - treat fibroids & keep your uterus!
- Mammography Screening
Pelvic Reconstructive Surgery
Incontinence management and surgery including Urodynamic Procedures
Heel scans for osteoporosis screening
- Mammography Screening
Since 1950's, we've served many generations of women — from grandmothers and mothers to their daughters.
Call 717-737-4511 today.
Making the most out of your visit
Ask questions:
- About your symptoms
- About your diagnosis
- About your treatment options
- What your medications are for
- What, if any, are the side effects of your medications?
- If you do not understand, ask questions until you do
- You can take part in your care
- With your written permission, family and friends can ask questions too
Make sure you understand — after your visit, sometimes it's hard to remember everything:
- Take notes
- Repeat the information back in your own words
- Feel free to ask for a simple or more detailed explanation
- Make sure you know what to do in an emergency
Patient educations; ask if we have:
- Materials
- Brochures
- Literature on your condition
Please see below for more information about our Childbirth Education Classes, or click here to view the flyer.